Wake Me When It’s Over

(Jerema, 2008)

“Sleepwalking is a disorder that occurs when a person walks or does another activity while they are still asleep.

Symptoms of sleepwalking include:

  • Eyes open during sleep
  • May have blank look on face
  • May sit up and appear awake during sleep
  • Walking during sleep
  • Performing other detailed activity of any type during sleep
  • Not remembering the sleep walking episode when they wake up
  • Acting confused or disoriented when they wake up
  • Rarely, aggressive behavior when they are awakened by someone else
  • Sleep talking that does not make sense


    Some people mistakenly believe that a sleepwalker should not be awakened. It is not dangerous to awaken a sleepwalker, although it is common for the person to be confused or disoriented for a short time when they wake upĀ (Dugdale III, MD, Professor of Medicine, 2009)”

The above is also applicable to, what I like to refer to as, Spiritual Sleepwalkers. These are the people you meet from day-to-day that appear actively engaged in life or the act of living. In actuality it is a ruse to circumvent being awakened by any conscious member of the human race. Their main goal is to avoid any sense of genuine purpose or contribution. Another sign you are in their presence is the “glazed over” look in their eyes upon interaction.

If you are still in doubt whether you have met, or are in a relationship with, a Spiritual Sleepwalker ask yourself if the following applies:

  • When you are in the presence of the person in question are they excited about life; full of goals, dreams, and ambition but give them little thought or none at all when you are not present?
  • Do they lack the motivation to work towards or accomplish any goals, dreams or ambitions (a lot of talk and no action) despite giving themselves months to years to work on them?
  • Are they only galvanized into action when they are in the proximity of someone actively pursuing their objectives?
  • Do they use others as a spiritual battery and are otherwise torpid?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above you are most likely in association with a Spiritual Sleepwalker.

The level of resistance you will encounter trying to wake such a person is in direct proportion to how deep a “sleep” this person has worked themselves into. Trying to wake those who are nearly comatose is more likely socially dangerous not physically dangerous. Do not confuse Sleepwalkers with Spiritual Zombies.

(Selfish Giving, 2010)

There is one major distinction between a “Sleepwalker” and a “Zombie”. “Sleepwalkers” are generally passive not caring what anyone else chooses to do with their life so long as they leave the said “Sleepwalker” to blissfully “sleep”. Conversely, “Zombies” take a proactive role in trying to consume one’s soul and convert thriving people to perpetuate their population. It’s instinctual rather than rational.

Happy hunting! Hope this Helps.

Dugdale III, MD, Professor of Medicine, D.C. (2009, June 20). Sleepwalking: walking during sleep; somnambulism. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001811/

Jerema, C. (Photographer). (2008). Dolt. [Web]. Retrieved from http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/05/21/who-knew-student-government-could-be-legitimate/3/

Selfish Giving, . (Photographer). (2010). zombie2. [Web]. Retrieved from http://selfishgiving.com/cause-marketing-101/cause-marketing-survival-rules-for-zombie-world

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