Hello world!

Isn't that the way some gifts come?

Good Morning!

This greeting couldn’t be more appropriate today. Not only is it 4:45 am but, I have just spanked my blog into existence so that it may take its first breath.

I am excited for what today will bring. I am equally as excited about every subsequent day. From my perspective it is like unwrapping a uniquely packaged gift from life. Though I may not understand its purpose or application, whatever the gift may be, surely it will only enhance my life experience. Appreciation will only come if I have the patience and courage to let go of control, allow life’s benefaction to unfold as it was intended, and have the wisdom to utilize the contribution to its fullest potential.

I believe ALL gifts are to be shared either directly or indirectly. Directly sharing is obvious and bares no explanation. It is the subtleties of indirectly sharing a gift that I will comment on.

Sometimes, when we receive a token (material or not), it is initially only for the recipient to view, hear, or utilize. These gifts, that are personal and kept private, are those that become muses. It is from their inspiration that we learn about ourselves, share new ideas and products, or are propelled into beneficial action.

My challenge to each person is to enthusiastically unwrap each day and be inspired by what it brings…

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